We have been meeting via ZOOM on Tuesdays at 8:00 am. There has been some talk about moving our meetings to 7:15 am as originally scheduled. I'd, like to get your feedback on the start times. I know some of you work and the 8:00 am start does not fit your schedule.
We want to have a meeting time that would yield the most attendees.

We are having a Happy Hour via Zoom on Friday, May 8th at 5:00 pm. Anyone is welcome to join us for some social time and drinking! BYOB.

We are accepting nominations for Service Above Self Awards 2020. We discussed this at our meeting today. We are accepting nominations for people who may be associated with a business that have gone above and beyond their "job" to help with the COVID-19 response.
The nominations will still be individuals. For example, James and Robert Baerwolf, from Sassy Cow, have been nominated for donating milk to food pantries, providing for community meals and self serve access to free milk at their farm store.
We know there are more businesses/organizations out there doing "above and beyond" AND "Service Above Self."
Please submit nominations by June 2nd!
We are looking for Guest Speakers to attend our Zoom meetings. If you previously had a speaker scheduled and had to cancel, please reach out and see if they would like to present at a future Zoom meeting.
Check our Speaker List to see what's coming up.
I'm still looking for host families for Joachim Milczarczyk from POLAND. If you know of any families interested in having him be part of their family for 4 months, please let me know!

We are going to start up our Classification Talks. I will contact you in advance and let you know when you are scheduled to give your talk. We are going in alpha order by last name. I still have Rose F. and Svetha H. that were previously scheduled but not done.
At today's meeting we watched a short video from a great speaker about her experience in Rotary and how she has made an impact on her club, district, and community. She offers good advice to help keep us engaged and stay in Rotary longer. CLICK HERE to watch it.
Have a great week and I will see you either on Friday night for Happy Hour or on Tuesday at our meeting.
Yours in Rotary,
Toni Pabon
President 2019-20
Rotary Club of Sun Prairie
(C) 608-628-7306
(W) 920-478-2191 ext. 12286
Rotary Meeting Zoom Link (Tuesdays): https://zoom.us/j/964291657