Weekly Update
on May 08, 2015
Rotarian Steve Riggles was our speaker today to update us on Healthcare Reform. There are some changes coming up. All Americans are required to have healthcare insurance or pay a penalty which was 1% of adjusted gross income. This has increased to 2% for 2015. Insurance companies will be sending policy holders, with a copy to the IRS, a 1095 Form that will indicate months of coverage for the year. There are some exemptions from coverage for those whose insurance cost is 8% or higher of their adjusted gross income, live outside the U.S., Native Americans, incarcerated prisoners and members of a healthcare sharing ministry. For 2017, insurance rate formulas will be changing and based on a health questionnaire, age and other factors. Slated to start in 2018, companies whose employees are paying premiums at a higher rate ($850/month for single; 2292 for family) may be penalized with a 40% excise tax.
Rotary moments;
- A GRIT celebration will be held at Creekside Elementary school on Friday, May 29 at 8:40 a.m. Debbie Fox-Schroeder encourages Rotarians to attend to support the students who have worked hard to earn this award.
- Mark Olsen asked for help securing prizes, sponsorships and foursomes for the golf tournament coming up on August 7 at the Oaks Golf Course.
- Tom Hebl is asking for nominations for the Service Above Self awards that will be presented on June 9. Please send your nominations to Tom by May 12.
- Donations are being accepted for Nepal relief from the devastating earthquake a few weeks ago. Rotarians can donate through the district 6250 charitable trust. Visit their website for more information.
- Volunteers helping at farm technology days in August should attend a training. The first will be May 28 at 7:00 p.m. For more information, contact Ron Reichers.
- Bring your money for raffle tickets on Tuesday - there are only a few cards left so your chances of drawing the ace of spades is good!
Have a good weekend. See you Tuesday.