January Update
on Jan 16, 2016
This past week our speaker was Franco Marcos from the Department of Transportation. Franco gave an overview of some of the proposals for the major traffic ways near Sun Prairie, including Hwy 19. They are currently gathering data about the usage of the highway and proposing changes to improve traffic flow and safety. They are considering 15 intersections for improvements as adding traffic signals and signs and roundabouts in addition to other intersection improvements. These are just evaluations as there is no immediate funding to make any current changes.
Rotary moments:
- Mark Olsen discussed ads for the Pancake Breakfast, scheduled for Sunday Feb 28 at the Knights of Columbus Roundtable. You should have received your ad assignments. See Mark if you have questions or other business' in mind to approach.
- There will be a GRIT celebrations at Creekkside school on Wednesday, January 27 from 8:40 to 9:10 a.m. Rotarians are invited to attend to recognize students who have achieved their goals.
- Don't miss the Wednesday evening meeting on January 20 at 6:00 pm at Buck & Honey's Restaurant in Sun Prairie. We will be joining the Sunshine Place Community Conversation to brainstorm ideas to address poverty in Sun Prairie.
- There was a unanimous vote to approve the previously presented membership changes.
Please remember, if your speaker needs audiovisual support, contact Todd Schultz at the Colonial Club at 608-837-4611 or tshultz@colonialclub.org.
Another reminder; if Sun Prairie schools close due to inclement weather, the SP Rotary meeting place Colonial Club will also be closed. If schools are delayed, the meeting will occur as scheduled.
Have a great week