Fellow Rotarians:

As we start March, a reminder that March 22 is World Water Day.  Water is a basic necessity of life.  Almost 10% of the world's population, or 660 million people, do not have access to clean, safe water.  Almost 900 children die in our world every day, 315,000 per year, due to diseases brought on by lack of safe water.  Water is one of the six areas of focus for Rotary International.​  Many clubs in our District and around the world have participated in projects through The Rotary Foundation to help tackle this problem.  Wells, filters, and centralized treatment systems are just some of the technologies being used.  Please consider something your club can do this month to raise awareness for World Water Day and our efforts in Rotary to bring clean, safe water to all people.

District Conference registrations are starting to come in.  As a reminder, Conference is May 12-13 in La Crosse.  Great speakers, workshops, as well as spotlights of Rotary projects and programs.  Plus an opportunity to share ideas with Rotary friends and make new ones.  Go to www.rotary6250.org/2017Conference for complete agenda information as well as a link to the super easy registration process.  Come join us.

Several clubs in our District have reported successes over the past month in the areas of membership and public awareness.  Inviting non members to socials, printing flyers highlighting past and current club projects, experimenting with new types of memberships, and contests within clubs to encourage guests are all ideas that have show positive results in some of our clubs.  As we enter the last third of the Rotary year, what is your club doing to increase membership and promote public awareness of your club?  If you are doing what you've always done, you are probably not getting the results you would like.  Brainstorm within your club and try something new.

As always, thanks for all you do in making the world a better place through Rotary.


Dean McHugh
District Governor 2016-2017
Rotary District 6250