Compelling Story -- She's Changing Up the English Language
Aug 25, 2020 7:15 AM
Vivian Probst, Author
Compelling Story -- She's Changing Up the English Language

Vivian Probst, who has a longtime business in the Milwaukee area as a National Consultant to the Affordable Housing industry, is also a linguist and author.

Her new book, Tha Womun Who Forgot Who She Was –the first book in a five-book series is written in WEnglish, a groundbreaking, gender-neutral language.

Vivian spent over a decade creating the concept, text and Glossary for the book. This distinctive book, inspired by dramatic dreams that mirrored Vivian’s own life, is being launched in August, in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of women getting the right to vote in the U.S. She will discuss the concept of WEnglish, and what her novel represents 100 years after the 19th Amendment was signed.